The Listing Agreement: What Is It And Why Should It Be In Writing?
A word of advice: A Listing Agreement is a legally binding contract and should be entered into only with the...
John is a St. John's University graduate, licensed Real Estate Broker, DOS Certified Instructor, and real estate consultant. He previously taught at NYU, LIU, and The Cook Maran Real Estate School, which he helped found.
A word of advice: A Listing Agreement is a legally binding contract and should be entered into only with the...
The issue of greatest concern to landlords and real estate practitioners on the East End of Long Island has to...
"As I see it, one frustration was the result of a lack of options because of infrastructure (sewers, etc.) and...
I think the best way to approach this topic is anecdotally rather than theoretically.
Buyers and Sellers have certain misconceptions when selling and buying a home.
What this article will address are issues of land use, specifically in the Hamptons.
While a significant portion of the new laws affect only municipalities that have adopted rent regulation laws - the five...
A change in the New York State "Mansion Tax" is among new laws that could impact the area.
While a client may not always be completely satisfied with a broker's inability to respond to a client's demands, that...
To illustrate the point, let's contrast the findings in two court actions, both involving celebrities. The first, Sotheby's v. Donald...
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