Simply Creative Chef Rob Scott has been the head chef at many restaurants in the Hamptons since 1980 and has previously worked as a private chef on the North Fork. Chef Rob now teaches cooking and baking classes at more than 95 libraries across Long Island, holding events for children, teens, and adults. Some of his classes are hands-on while others are demonstrations with samples to be enjoyed by those in attendance.
Chef Rob has been presenting these classes full time for over 11 years and he does approximately 400 classes per year. He enjoys teaching people that come from all levels of experience from beginners to those who have been in the kitchen for many years and are seeking new recipes, tips, and tricks.
Chef Rob Scott regularly holds classes at libraries, so there is sure to be events in the area throughout the year if you’re looking to expand your skills in the kitchen! He spoke more about his favorite recipes and ingredients, and he even shared two recipes in alignment with the winter season—an entrée and dessert that can be found below.
Do you have a favorite season for cooking or a particular ingredient you like to use most when it’s in season?
RS: I enjoy the foods from all the seasons, but I have to say fall is my favorite with all the local apples, squash, and pumpkins.
Can you tell us about your virtual cooking classes? How did you get started with these and what are they like?
RS: During the pandemic I started teaching virtual cooking and baking for 19 different states and I did many YouTube videos, Facebook Live, and Zoom. I only do one virtual class each month and it is at the Taft Public Library In Massachusetts, and you can call each month for the recipes and the Zoom link, even if you are from out of state. I did a cooking class with Giada and Valerie Bertinelli during the pandemic, and it was a lot of fun.
Would you tell us a bit about your background and how it influences your creations?
RS: Growing up on Long Island my whole life and having all the fresh fruits and vegetables really got me passionate about cooking and baking, plus I had a mom and dad who were there to support me.
What do you love most about your cooking classes at the libraries?
RS: One of the things about teaching is so many come back and say they made the dish that I prepared at the library and how much their family loved it. I had two teenage girls who I’ve known for ten years say that I was such a big part of their childhood memories. It just makes you feel good.
What sort of ingredients do your recipes call for?
RS: When I teach it is with ingredients that people already have at home, or else ones that are very easy to find.
What’s your favorite pastime in the Hamptons?
RS: My favorite pastime in the Hamptons has to be going to the beach with my family, and riding bikes in the beautiful Hamptons.
What has contributed to your success over the years?
RS: I have had great success because of the support of my mom and dad, and now my wife, Jackie, and my boys Robert and Christopher. Many people through the years have said that my brother Brian and I should open up a restaurant, believing it would be such a hit. We never did that, but things worked out just fine for both of us!