Rue La La has announced the launch of their new “Sunday Supper” celebrity chef series beginning on Sunday, July 14. The program will combine a video of a celebrity chef preparing a particular dish, followed by a boutique featuring the kitchen and cookware used in the video. Members of will then have the opportunity to purchase these supplies for use in their own kitchens.
“The celebrity chef-curated Sunday Supper series is revolutionizing the cooking and shopping experience by offering access to the tools and tips all in one place,” explains Michael Mosca, Executive Vice President, Living with Rue La La. “Through these Boutiques, members are able to watch the chefs create the recipe from start to finish and then immediately have access to the elements needed to bring it to life – making anyone a star chef in their own kitchens. “
The episodes will be hosted by various well-known chefs, including Sam Talbot and Hung Huynh of “Top Chef” as well as “Chopped” judge Amanda Freitag. The series will begin with Chef Talbot preparing grilled scallops with summer kale chimichurri at Montauk’s AndTurf, Talbot’s newest project.
The chefs will walk viewers through the step-by-step process of preparing their own dishes, presenting the required ingredients and equipment and giving viewers tips on the meal’s preparation. The equipment will then be available for Rue La La members to purchase online so that they can recreate the dishes in the comfort of their own homes.
Members of Rue La La will also have the ability to enter into sweepstakes giveaways for each episode. The prizes will be tied to the specific celebrity chef from the featured video. For instance, viewers can win the opportunity to go on a personalized grocery shopping trip at Montauk’s fish market with Sam Talbot or a complimentary dinner for four at Hung Huynh’s restaurant, The General, in New York City.
The series and its subsequent sales and sweepstakes are only available to members of Rue La La. Registration is available at