Most of us practice some sort of alternative therapy to stay healthy. Meditation and yoga have become mainstream especially here in the Hamptons. The effects from these exercises are phenomenal and help keep our minds and bodies healthy and stress-free. We also know that healthy, organic foods not only keep our physical bodies fit, but also have a great effect on happiness and provide relief for anxiety. Here are five other holistic treatments that can also be used to supplement typical Western health care.
1. Oil Pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that is used for detoxification. Oil pulling is an oral therapy that requires one to swoosh around pure oils in the mouth to absorb toxins. The best oil is Sesame oil. After “pulling” the oil through the teeth for approximately 20 minutes, it turns into a thicker, whiter consistency, and is then spit out. I have been using this technique for years. Not only does it keep your gums healthy, it freshens your breath and makes your teeth whiter. It also aids in dry facial skin and gets rid of acne. Some claim that oil pulling has relieved symptoms in the whole body, such as reducing arthritis pains and aiding in digestion.
2. Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, minus the needles. Acupressure aims to manipulate the energy in the body by applying pressure to trigger points. The technique states that our hands and feet have specific areas that correlate to every part of the body. Stagnant blood that causes disease is dispersed by applying pressure to the point on the palm or sole that controls the painful area. This traditional Chinese medicine is said to restore and rebalance the yin and yang by releasing blocked energy.
3. Cupping is a technique that uses a device to create a suction on the skin. The vacuum effect improves energy flow and loosens blocked arteries. Cupping is used to treat common respiratory diseases, muscle problems, back pain, as well as skin and blood disorders. Keep in mind that cupping causes dark bruises as the blood is forced to the top of the skin.
4. Aromatherapy is a form of treatment with the use of scented oils. It works wonders to alter one’s mood by calming the body and mind. The oils are either inhaled or placed on the skin. Aromatherapy is usually combined with massage as the oils are perfectly absorbed when warmed by the hands. Aromatherapy oils can also be used in the bathtub to relax muscles. This therapy often relieves stress and is used to treat insomnia and depression.
5. Guided Imagery is a technique that involves focusing on a specific image in your mind. It is also called visualization. The idea is that our mind is a very powerful tool and whatever image we bring into our consciousness can be created in reality. Doctors tell patients to visualize their illnesses being cured. If a patient can picture his body in perfect health, it is said that the mind will make it so. Doctors practice guided imagery with patients to relieve minor ailments as well as deadly diseases such as cancer. Guided imagery can be incorporated quite well into meditation. Just 10 minutes a day is enough. Everyone can do this and it’s the cheapest and most effective treatment one can practice!