Sculpt is a blend of dance, Pilates, yoga and light weights, designed to blast calories, tone muscles and work your entire body. You will move with precision and purpose through sequences created to target specific muscle groups. In SCULPT you move with music; every exercise is musically driven so you can find a meditative state.
Emily’s love of music began at a very young age when she took her first ballet class. Being a ballerina exposed her to the Pilates world, and in 2005 she obtained her Pilates mat and apparatus certification.
In 2015 after the birth of her first child, Emily found that she could no longer attend group classes with the freedom she once had. Being homebound forced her to experiment with what kinds of exercise worked for her and what didn’t, while her daughter napped. Through trial and error, she developed the Sculpt class. The workout is designed to create long, lean muscles by using light weights at an aerobic pace.
Emily is very committed to working with pregnant and postpartum moms as they work to find and keep a deep connection with their body. Every movement is done with precision and intention to create beautiful definition and balance in the body. You will release amazing endorphins while you sweat to upbeat music, and have a lot of fun!
Emily has trained several other Sculpt instructors, and there are numerous classes available at different times and days. Visit the website www.sculptbyemilytyson.com for more information.