Captain Ahab and The Pequod will be officially docking in the Hamptons on Friday, June 7, at 4 North Main Gallery. The art exhibit, aptly called Moby Dick, will feature art and photography celebrating Herman Melville’s 1851 tale of the sea captain plotting to exact revenge on the whale who bit off his leg.
Mack & Heuer, a fragrance company owned by Theresa Campbell of Brooklyn Heights, is sponsoring the exhibit to promote its new perfume. The exhibit will be open from Friday, June to Monday, June 10.
“Nike will do sports,” Campbell said. “Who’s supposed to do an art show?”
Campbell chose to show her Moby Dick exhibit in Southampton because she felt that it was a good place to discuss a book about the whaling industry.
She plans to divide the space based on the walls. One wall will have fishnets. Another will have ads that she found on the Internet through whaling museums. The back wall will have two-dimensional art, some of which will be hers. In one of her pieces, she pays homage to Andy Warhol’s use of color. Campbell also purchased a projector to show the John Barrymore film version of the book if anyone is interested.
Campbell will also have her favorite quotes such as “Hast thou seen the white whale?” around the exhibit.
She will also have Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley music playing in the background.
Before Campbell was traveling to France to make perfumes and renting out art spaces for Moby Dick, she was making short independent films. She has been preparing for this exhibit for the past six months.
“If you thought you knew everything about Moby Dick, come see this exhibit,” Campbell joked. “Learn about whales as pet food and how oil saved the whales.”
4 North Main Gallery is located at is located at 4 North Main Street in Southampton. For more information visit or call 631-283-2485.