The huge buzz In Southampton this summer has been initiated by artist Roger Sichel’s “first” ARTACOM at the Southampton Cultural Center. It has been drawing both crowds and raves from all those who have dropped by since it opened. Hamptons.com stopped by the SCC and talked with founder and renowned artist Roger Sichel about ARTACOM. He was with Stas Rutkowski, “Resident tech master, leader, and a member of the ARTACOM team.”
This exhibition would never have happened without the vision, wisdom, and guidance of Kirsten Lonnie, who is the Executive Director at the Southampton Cultural Center.
Roger Sichel’s wife, Ilene Smith Sichel, better known to many as “roc star,” has been by Roger’s side and using her good judgment and counsel since the get-go. The show is almost a Summer 2023 long event, closing on August 28th, 2023. The hours are 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm.
Officially ARTACOM is a new global brand in the Art World, and this SCC show is their premier ARTACOM show. The long-range plan is to do ARTACOM across the globe into the future. With many new projects and events around upcoming art-show exhibitions being developed. The ARTACOM folks “are glad to be representing the intersection of technology across the world.”
When walking around and observing the works of art smartly displayed, one see’s such diverse works, including life scale “porcelain” Harley Davidson motorcycle, traditional paintings, along with 3D art and some tech stuff only seeing it live can truly explain what it is. Roger Sichel curated the gallery walls.
Art lovers have been purchasing because, walking about, you see the red “sold” dot next to some pieces. Obviously, the show is already a success because it’s up and running and drawing crowds.
When founder Roger Sichel was asked what was his vision for ARTACOM and how it surpassed his expectations.
He said, “ The vision for ARTACOM is to bridge arts past and present and to gateway it to the future. To culture shift as Tesla did to vehicles, as the wind does for electricity. ARTACOM adorns the walls and floors with physical paintings and sculptures and takes you on a journey to the digital world of VR, oculus, and monitors, to fractional and digital arts.
Works for sale include Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Alexander Chen, Pino, Felix Mas, Karl Wenig, Marsel Mouly, Patrick Guyton, Peter Max, Andrew Bone, Scott Jacobs, Leblanc Stewart, Anatole Krasnyansy, Edmund Blair Leighton.