It takes a village…well, a hamlet, to decorate Hampton Bays for Christmas and each year the Hampton Bays Beautification Association transforms the town for the holidays. Hamptons.com recently spoke with HBBA President, Susan von Freddi, about what they’re doing for Christmas this year. In the beginning the HBBA members did the work themselves, she explained, but that was 30 years ago. Now local businesses help out and they hire tradespeople, too.
Here’s what you’ll see in Hampton Bays this Christmas season. As you come into town from Flanders Road, you’ll see the trees in the central island aglow with white lights. “This one is my favorite,” says Ms. von Freddi, “and it has all new lights this year.” The shrubs in the median at Canoe Place Inn are also lighted.
As you prepare to turn left at the traffic light to head into town, to the left by the flagpole, look for the big Christmas tree.
Coming into town from east or west, the Welcome to Hampton Bays signs are dressed with red and gold bows. All along Main Street the streetlights are decked out with lighted wreaths sporting red and gold bows. In the center of town there are three lighted trees next to Guava Restaurant, and white lights on the pergola at the entrance to Good Ground Park.
Head toward the train station on Good Ground Road and you’ll find another large tree aglow with lights. The towering tree across the street from the Fire Department is decorated by the fire department – they have the tall ladders!
Some thanks are in order here – Merry Warner of Mother Earth Gardens (who also maintains all the HBBC gardens in Hampton Bays) is in charge of the lighting, with some help with the big trees from Steve of V. Allegretta Electrical Corp. The lights are provided at a discount, thanks to Tommy Maloney at Shinnecock Hardware. And the entire project is headed up by Committee Chairman Jack O’Keefe, who also handles the fundraising.
Christmas decorations in Hampton Bays are a community endeavor – all are invited to come and enjoy them!
On December 7th the Hampton Bays Beautification Committee will host its annual Holiday Celebration at Oakland’s Restaurant (373 Dune Road, Hampton Bays). As Susan von Freddi explains, “It’s a celebration of all the volunteers who have worked with us for many years, and we also honor our directors and committee chairs. Some special awards are given out to members who did outstanding service, and this year a Beautification Award is being given to Joe Zehentner and Steve Forte of Hampton Nursery.”
The public is also welcome to attend the event. Tickets are $45 per person and include lunch and a cash bar. For information please visit their website, hbba.net.
The HBBA has an exciting new project planned for next year to bring even more beauty to Hampton Bays!